Shall we accompany you?

Shall we accompany you?

Friday, 15 February 2019

In the last few years, the labor market has undergone many changes, and there are two groups to which we believe that it is necessary to give major attention. On the one hand, junior professionals in search of a first job with and excellent education in many cases excellent. And on the other, senior professionals, with extensive experience and willing to relax functions, sector, economic conditions, etc.

Any hidden talent?

Any hidden talent?

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

As we all know, you must have a significant set of skills to be a suitable candidate for any position, but many of us do not know if we only have a few of them, many or none.

Senior talent: will you hire John?

Senior talent: will you hire John?

Wednesday, 07 March 2018

If anyone propose to exclude from the labor market a specific group, for example the disabled, women, foreigners, would it be acceptable or good?

Blog 3

Are you "likeable"?

Friday, 27 April 2018

We are all tired of hearing the importance of emotional intelligence, of the ability to empathize with other to have a successful career, in other words, the importance of "liking" as many people as possible.

Training = talent?

Training = talent?

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Although it is demonstrated by scientific studies that people learn the majority of what they know "by doing", in the work environment it is still very important to have studied "things" versus having done "things".


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